Australian Defence Medal (ADM)
Colloquially known as the “Thank you for coming” or the “Coca-Cola”, the Australian defence Medal is the most common contemporary gazetted medal with about 300,000 having been issued. Was introduced in 2006 but was back-dated to the end of WWII.
Anyone who served in the Australian armed forces for the qualifying period prior to 2006 can apply for this medal with the department of defence. (next of kin may also apply if recipient is deceased – see link below)
Issued for 4 years service in any of the Australian defence Branches. The qualifying period could be shorter if for instance medically discharged.
Why use replicas? Original medals are unique and named to the recipient. Only the recipient can claim the honour of earning the medal which makes each a “one of a kind”. It is now standard practice to use good quality replicas on parades and special events so as not to risk the originals.

You can apply for a replacement medal under special exceptional circumstances (Stolen or fire damaged) but the replacement will be stamped with an “D” to indicate it is a duplicate. (see link below) Original medals will be reissued if the first issue original is broken or damaged and returned to the Department of Defence.
Care should be taken mounting these medals as good quality ribbon should be used. Because of the strong maroon colour, poor quality ribbons will fade quickly or worse the dye can run ruining the uniform or medals they are mounted with.
Appling for replacement medals.
Appling for defence medals